Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer, where art thou?

As a parent it's easy to feel overwhelmed sometimes. Things come at you from all directions, leaving me angry or sad or frustrated. My two older kids were late bloomers and continue to have their unique issues and now I'm turning my attention to my youngest. Does he or doesn't he, sometimes he babbles like a baby then he'll surprise me with a three to four word sentence. Sometimes he'll hold himself back from social situations then other times he'll be in the middle of things. He doesn't cover his ears or cower under a table when there is a loud noise like his older brother but he will complain that something is too loud. If I didn't already have a son on the spectrum I'm sure I would have brushed aside these feelings that something is wrong. Or maybe I am so hypersensitive I'm turning a few quirky moments into something much bigger. I've even considered that my three year old is really a mischievous genius just messing with my head. Even the weather is conspiring against me. It's cold, now it's hot, now it's wet, well it's always wet here. On the few days it has been nice though I tend to forget those bad days, why waste the energy and the day being sad or angry or frustrated. Better yet, why waste the energy on things I can't control. And that's what I have to remind myself of; put aside my various concerns even for a moment to enjoy the sunshine provided by my children everyday.

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